TESFA | CLOTHING - Hope365 Initiative

TESFA | CLOTHING is an initiative of Hope365

Founded in 2015, Hope365 works to rescue Street Kids from poverty in Shashemene, Ethiopia. There are over 1000 boys, some as young as six years of age, living 24/7 on the streets of Shashemene, Ethiopia. Some are orphans, others are there as the result of trafficking, or extreme poverty.

Our mission begins with rescuing them from the streets, giving them shelter and safety. Next, we set about finding the best long-term solution for each individual – we know that these children have their own stories, circumstances and individual needs that must be met, so we spend time working out the best step for each child as we move forward with them.

In the “Tesfa Manoriya Bota” centre, our highly trained staff team gradually and gently uncover the reasons why each child has been living on the street. If it’s in the child’s best interest, we will firstly try to reunite them with any biological family, however far away they might be. Where no family can be found, we allow friendship groups to develop in our rescue centre and then create a new “family”. In time, this “family” (typically of around six to eight children) then move out to a Group Home complete with our specially trained house parents. Here they can enjoy a more normal childhood.

We aim to provide for the physical, emotional, spiritual, and educational needs of all of the children we come into contact with. Our intention is to help each child realize they are loved by God and help them to achieve their full potential, enjoying a regained childhood, being well-equipped for adult life, and making a positive contribution to their local community and country.

Through Hope365 Academy, we provide education and food for over 300 very appreciative pupils. Included in the numbers are many of the Street Kids we rescued from the streets in previous years, along with other boys and girls who, if we hadn’t stepped in, may well have had to resort to living on the Streets themselves due to extreme poverty.

Visit the Hope365 website for more information about our work